Restore Your Vision, Enhance Your Quality of Life! Read our cataracts ebook today!
Cataracts cause blurry vision and difficulty seeing at night. Fortunately, Dr. Leonard Achiron and Dr. David O’Day of Atlanta Vision Cataract & Laser Center can help men and women with cataracts in Hapeville, Georgia, and the Atlanta area see clearly again. They use innovative surgical methods that correct vision more effectively than traditional cataract surgeries. Use the online form or call (404) 765-2020 to schedule an appointment with a prominent Atlanta optometrist.
What is a Cataract?
A cataract clouds your eye’s lens and occurs gradually as you age. They’re not contagious, but cataracts usually develop in both eyes simultaneously.
When you have a cataract, it distorts the light coming into your eye. This distortion inhibits the light from focusing clearly on the retina at the back of your eye, causing a gradual impairment of vision. If untreated, cataracts can cause needless blindness.
Cataract Symptoms
A variety of symptoms indicate you could be developing a cataract:
- Seeing halos around light
- Blurred vision
- A feeling of a film over the eyes
- Increased nearsightedness
- Sensitivity to glare
- Double vision in one eye
- Spots in front of the eye(s)
- Yellowish, brownish, or cloudy lens discoloration
If you notice any of these signs before your annual eye exam, don’t wait. Call and make an appointment.
Benefits of Cataract Surgery
More than 95 percent of cataract patients will see their vision improve following surgery. In addition to having better sight, these people see a remarkable improvement to their quality of life, more easily being able to engage in everyday activities.
Replacing your lens not only gets rid of the cloudiness associated with cataracts, but can also simultaneously improve other vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.
Cataract Surgery Procedure Details
To stop cataracts from progressing, Dr. O’Day and Dr. Achiron perform an outpatient surgery to replace the damaged lens.
First, you receive either numbing eye drops or a shot to block the pain along with medicine to help you relax. During the procedure, they make an incision using a laser. Then, the cloudy cataract lens is broken apart and removed. Finally, they place an artificial lens (IOL) in your eye.
Implantable Lens Options for Surgery
Thanks to the breakthroughs of AcrySof ReStor, Crystalens, and TECNIS Multifocal IOL’s, cataract patients now have the option to replace their natural lens with a multifocal lens.
Unlike standard cataract replacement lenses, which are monofocal and only improve distance vision, multifocal IOL lenses restore a fuller range of vision. Most men and women never need glasses again.
Cataract Surgery Recovery and Safety
Cataract surgery is a highly safe procedure performed on over 3 million American patients annually. As with any eye surgery, it does carry minor risks for infection, swelling and vision impairment.
Full recovery from cataract surgery usually takes about two months. While your vision will probably be blurry following surgery, most patients find clear vision restored within a few days. During that same span, you may experience some discomfort, but it is important to avoid rubbing your eyes for relief as it may hinder your healing.
Cost of Cataract Surgery
The amount you will pay for cataract surgery will largely depend on your insurance coverage. Atlanta Vision Cataract and Laser Center accepts most insurance plans. Please speak to our helpful staff to ascertain what out-of-pocket expenses you may be responsible for under your health insurance plan.
Life Synchronicity
LIFE SYNCHRONICITY is a varifocal lens that optimizes your vision at all distances. These lenses have curvature in sync with your vision needs that’s created using specialized technology.
Tecnis IOL
Another option is TECNIS IOL. This multifocal lens helps with vision at far, near, and intermediate distances and versions are available for men and women with astigmatism. During your cataract surgery, Dr. O’Day or Dr. Achiron inserts this lens implant to reduce, or even eliminate, your need for glasses.
Make an appointment at Atlanta Vision Cataract & Laser Center using the online form to see if you’re a candidate for advanced cataract surgery.
Cataract Surgery FAQ
Is there an alternative to cataract surgery?
Unfortunately, there is no known way to either prevent cataracts or reverse cataracts once they have formed on the lens. However, given how easy and successful laser cataract surgery has proven to be, most patients are pleased to have this option to improve their vision. Ultimately, cataract surgery is an elective procedure, so the choice to swap out your natural lenses with IOLs is your own.
Does cataract surgery hurt?
While most patients will feel moderate pressure on their eye during the procedure, you should not expect to feel any significant discomfort.
Can I have cataract surgery performed on both eyes at once?
Our ophthalmologists do not typically perform cataract surgery on both eyes during the same appointment. Since your vision will be compromised for an extended period following surgery, it is better to leave one eye untouched, and then to repeat the process for the other eye after the first one has healed.
Will I have to replace my new lens in the future?
No, as the intraocular lens is artificial and not made of human tissue, your body will not “reject” it. Moreover, it is designed to last indefinitely, so you do not need to worry about having to repeat this process in the future.
Can I drive after my surgery?
Because your vision will be blurry and you will still have anesthesia in your system, you should not drive immediately following the surgery. Plan ahead by arranging a ride after your appointment. Most patients find that their vision has improved enough to drive safely about 24 hours after the surgery.
To schedule an appointment to discuss cataracts and cataract surgery with Dr. Achiron and Dr. O’Day, please contact Atlanta Vision Cataract & Laser Center by calling (404) 765-2020.