LASIK Complications Submitted by Atlanta Vision Cataract and Laser Center on November 19, 2017

LASIK eye surgery is one of the safest procedures of its kind, with an excellent success rate. Like any medical procedure, refractive surgery carries some risk. Major complications after LASIK are extremely rare, occurring in less than 1% of all patients. Most side effects are minor and can be easily resolved.

After LASIK, you may experience the following minor side effects and complications:

Dry Eyes – Your tear production may be limited while your eyes are healing, causing dry eye syndrome. Up to half of all LASIK patients will experience some degree of dry eye syndrome temporarily after LASIK.

Under or Overcorrection – In some rare cases, if your eyes do not heal in a typical manner, you may be left with less-than-perfect LASIK results. Most of the time, undercorrection/overcorrection is so minor that patients do not even notice it. However, if it is significant enough, it can be treated through LASIK revision surgery.

Visual Disturbances – For the first few weeks after LASIK you may notice glare, halos and/or starbursts at night or in low light, along with reduced sharpness. These issues are temporary and will gradually disappear over time.

Temporary Discomfort – The first few days of your recovery period may involve increased light sensitivity and mild irritation in the eyes. Wear dark glasses as often as possible to prevent your eyes from being strained.

Most LASIK complications can be avoided simply by making sure you are a good LASIK candidate and choosing a qualified LASIK surgeon. At Atlanta Vision Cataract and Laser Center in Atlanta, Dr. Achiron will perform a complete diagnostic exam to determine if LASIK is right for you, examining factors such as:

  • Thickness of your cornea
  • Shape of your cornea
  • Pupil size
  • Moisture level in eyes
  • Eye disorders
  • Medical history
  • Health problems that may interfere with LASIK (e.g. autoimmune disorders, degenerative conditions)

If you are not a suitable candidate for LASIK, you may still be an excellent candidate for another type of refractive surgery. Contact Atlanta Vision Cataract and Laser Center at 404-448-2557 or to schedule a LASIK consultation today!

Answer a few questions in our free online LASIK Self-Evaluation to find out how much you can save on LASIK. Call us today for a free consultation.

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