Cost of LASIK vs. Contact Lenses Submitted by Atlanta Vision Cataract and Laser Center on October 20, 2016

Are you a contact wearer? Have you checked out the cost of LASIK lately? With new pricing and specials available for LASIK at Atlanta Vision Cataract & Laser Center Center in Atlanta, GA you may be surprised when you compare the cost.

Contact users over a 10 year period can plan to spend around $12,000!! You will have to shell out dollars for new prescriptions, new frames and lenses, more replacement contacts plus the cleaning and sterilizing solutions.

If money is not an issue, contacts can be a big hassle. Contact wearers often experience sore eyes, red eyes, itchy eyes, lenses glued to your eyeballs, allergies, hay fever, and no contacts when doing water sports. Also, unless you want to spend even more on 24 hour contacts, you still have to take your contacts out at night. Then in the morning, you reach for your glasses in order to make it to the bathroom. Isn’t it time you consider a more affordable and safer alternative that has permanent results?

LASIK is a one-time expense and for a short time they are only $695/per eye at Atlanta Vision Cataract & Laser Center Center (special offer is subject to change at any notice). That’s a price that anyone can afford or there are financing options available. The LASIK procedure that is performed at Atlanta Vision Cataract & Laser Center Center is safe, using the latest in technology available, the Zytopix™ 100 excimer laser for personalized laser vision correction.

If you do the math, there’s no doubt that in the long run, you will save money and will be able to see clearly without the aggravation of wearing contacts. Find out if LASIK will work for you. Schedule your complimentary evaluation with Dr. Leonard Achiron at Atlanta Vision Cataract & Laser Center Center located just south of the airport.

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